Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Discovering the good news of Jesus together:

We believe the call to make disciples and invite people into the kingdom of right relationships leads us to tangible action. We communicate the good news of Jesus through serving, speaking, invitation, and partnership. 

Generosity is a culture of personal sacrifice for others through loving, everyday actions that reflect God’s Kingdom. We serve alongside local organizations (time), we send people out to use their skils and training to be good news and build the kingdom (talent), and we invest 10% of our income as a church into work that aligns with our mission as a community in Davis (treasure). Here are some of the opportunities and partnerships we invest in as a community.


We are excited to be working with the following organizations to meet needs in our community:


We have mutually supportive relationships with these campus ministries at UC Davis:

Global Missions

Our Global Partners:

Questions and Support

To hear stories and prayer requests from our partners, join the Global Partners group through our App! Or, Email our Missions Team

To get involved with local service, justice initiatives, and partnerships, please Email the Good Neighbor Team