Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

A Covid Update


It's a new year, but we continue to deal with the effects of the Covid-19 virus on our nation and world. As you are well aware, the case numbers have increased exponentially with the arrival of the Omicrom variant.

We wanted to inform you that after our Sunday gathering, a staff member and some other community members tested positive for Covid. We have tried to contact those who were in direct contact with them, but we wanted all of you to be aware and have the option to get yourself tested. We are so grateful for the Healthy Davis Together program offering free and accessible testing!

Our staff will continue testing as well, in an abundance of caution, and plan to test regularly in the upcoming weeks. We want to remind everyone to stay home if you are feeling ill, and continue to follow the Covid safety protocols. Please continue to pray for our world as we all struggle with the frequent changes and interruptions to our "normal" lives.

We will keep an eye out on current conditions, and cancel events or move them to Zoom when needed. Check your social media and email in the next couple of days, we'll let you know if this coming Sunday's gathering will be affected. Thank you once again for your flexibility and caution during this time, and the ways you seek to be good news to our wider community.

- The Discovery Team