Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Coming up this week!

Hello Discovery!

It is hard to believe we are almost to the halfway point of 2023! As we finish up the month of June, we want to note two upcoming events you won't want to miss out on.

First- this Sunday, June 25th, join us for our annual Church in the Park! We'll be meeting at the picnic tables near the Davis Art Center and Rainbow City. Bring breakfast or lunch for yourself, a chair or blanket, and come spend time together as a family. Invite your friends, grab a game or just bring yourself! 

Second- please join us later that day at 1PM for our annual "State of Discovery" meeting. We'll review Discovery's finances, and share how we can continue to partner together discover the good news of Jesus together this upcoming year. We celebrate God's faithfulness to us over the year, and your generosity to Discovery's mission! Join us in-person at 508 2nd Street (head upstairs in the Regency Square building), or use the link below to join via Zoom.

Have a great week family!

Grace and Peace,
The Discovery Team