Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Don't miss the last Church in the Park!

Discovery Family,

This Sunday is the FINAL Church in the Park of the year. The CITP's in June and July were a blast, so we hope you're able to come on out one more time! Join us Sunday, August 28th at 10AM on the field behind the tennis courts next to the Brunelle Theater. Bring something to sit on, and food for yourself, we'll provide coffee and cool beverages.

In September, we'll finish out our journey through Ephesians, and begin a new series. The fall is always an exciting time at Discovery, and we look forward to all God has in store- you won't want to miss it.

Have a great week!

Grace and Peace,
The Discovery Team