Fill a backpack for a local student
Hello Carrie,
Summer marches on! While UC Davis classes don't begin for over a month, local students in the Davis school district start in less than two weeks! Every year, Discovery partners with Marguerite Montgomery Elementary School to provide children with backpacks and supplies for the upcoming year. We hope you will take part in this easy way to support local families. Purchase the needed items, then bring them to the Sunday Gathering on August 14th or 21st. Click here for the full list of what is needed.
Finally, there is just over a week until the annual Men's Retreat. We're returning to beautiful Camp Hi-Sierra near Long Barn, August 19-21. This is a great opportunity to get to know other men at Discovery, get outdoors, and worship together. Click here to RSVP your spot.
Thank you for journeying with us this summer. We look forward to seeing you soon!
Grace and Peace,
The Discovery Team
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It's time for our annual backpack drive