Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM


Hello Discovery Family,

Thank you for your patience during this crazy timeI appreciate the grace you have extended us as our staff and so many others are working hard on communication and resources for us. We will likely have more to update you on later in the week, so stay tuned! Your engagement brings us much joy! 

Today’s update and video are all about generosity. We structure ourselves simply around GatheringsGroups, and Generosity. Each of those are still happening, although in very different ways right now!

So, a bit about Generosity:

  1. Simply put, one of the best ways to be generous right now is to follow the Social Distancing Guidelines provided by the county (they also have a great FAQs page to check out).
  2. We can be generous towards one another through staying connected. Our facebook group is a great way to do this, but the opportunities are endless! My challenge to you is to try to touch base via phone or text with 1-2 people from Discovery a day. Our commitment to you is to reach out with a phone call at least once a week, but if we all did this think about how many people would know there are folks thinking and praying about them. What a great way to be good news!
  3. There are a few specific opportunities for us. Yolo County Food Bank is a top priority, it’s one of the best ways to meet tangible needs in our community right now. They have a great webpage and sign up sheet to explore.
  4. I love the Creativity I am seeing from individuals and groups right now! Some of you are leaving notes on neighbors doors offering to pick up groceries. Groups are adopting local businesses to support. People are setting up Zoom meetings to pray and worship together. Others are offering to cover rent or bills for those in need. So awesome!

Finally, we can be generous by investing financially in Discovery. Your giving allows us to fulfill our commitments to our missions partners, to meet needs in our community, and to keep operating (including paying our awesome staff).

Three suggestions here:

  1. If you have not done so already set up a recurring gift through our app or webpage
  2. If you would like to make a specific contribution to our Care and Compassion fund, which directly meets the needs of our community, you can do so easily in the “Giving Type” tab.
  3. You can still write checks! Make sure they are made out to Discovery Christian Church and mailed to the office: 132 E St, Suite 250 Davis, CA 95616

Once again, I am deeply grateful for each of you: for your engagement, for your love for people and our city, and for your desire to help out and serve our community during this crazy time!

Thank you,
Steve (and Staff and Elders)