Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

More Opportunities to Serve

Hello Discovery!

This week we wanted to quickly check-in, say hello, and remind you that we continue to meet Sundays at 10 AM on the field behind the tennis courts and pool at Community Park. For our series on "Ekklesia" in the book of Acts, we'll be in chapter 7 this week if you want to read along! We have a few slots this month and next for volunteers if you can come out and help us set up and welcome people. We'd love the help, and its always a fun time to connect with other people- you can sign up here.

Sunday, July 25th is our annual Church In The Park gathering- more details will come next week, but save the date for this fun event!

This July 17th and August 7th we have a great opportunity to help serve a member of our community. Huei Young is an elderly East Asian woman who has cultivated a beautiful and well-renowned Chinese garden for the past four decades in Davis. She is in need of garden maintenance help, so sign up if you're willing and able! We need 4-5 people for about 1 hour. Please sign up at and contact Mabel at: with any questions, and we'll send you the location and preparation information.

Finally, women, mark your calendars for Thursday, July 29th at 6:30 PM. Discovery Women is hosting a swim and worship night at the Carlson's lovely home. Email for the address and more info.

Have a great week Discovery, and stay cool!

-The Discovery Team