Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Serve Sunday is almost here!

We’re grateful for the local organizations serving the hungry and homeless in our community. For this Serve Sunday we’re partnering with these organizations through donating items that they distribute and praying for their missions.

Donating Items: Use these linked SignUpGenius lists to view items for Davis Community Meals and Housing and 4th and Hope. Sign up for items from either or both lists, and drop them off at the Downtown Center between 10AM and 12PM on Sunday,  March 7. Please note that Discovery has purchased restaurant gift cards for the Interfaith Rotating Winter Shelter as part of this event. 

Praying: We believe that praying for people is a powerful way to serve them. Not only that, but prayer creates space for us to listen to God, advocate for the people and causes He cares about, and become more attuned to what God is doing around us. With that in mind, you are invited to go on a prayer walk sometime between 10AM and 12PM during Serve Sunday. You can walk downtown after dropping off donations, stroll your own neighborhood, or go anywhere else where you may encounter people and places that prompt you to pray. Use this prayer guide to set the tone for your time and learn more about how you can pray for our partners.

Let’s be good news this Serve Sunday! Questions? Email