Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

An invitation for us all

Hello Discovery Family,

I hope and pray that you have encountered our good God in new and profound ways this Lenten season. We now enter Holy Week. The count down to Easter is on!

I have three simple challenges for us. First, as we wrap up Lent: finish strong! We all engaged in Lent in different and unique ways, so my encouragement to you is to stay with those commitments all the way through. Sometimes the most interesting things happen right at the end of a season like this.

Second, I have had the sense that this year there is a lot of openness to an invite to our Easter Gathering. Remember, this is the first time we’ve been in the Theater for Easter since 2019! In the midst of a pandemic, a war, and all the other craziness of our world, many people around us are open to this invitation in ways that are not usual, even for a moment like Easter.

Finally, I want to invite and challenge you to be with us on Easter Sunday for no other reason than to simply enjoy the moment. While I believe there is an interesting opportunity to extend invitations this year, I don’t want that to the “thing.” We all need to be reminded of the good news of Jesus’ resurrection and my prayer is that we know this good news deep in our bones. Some come and enjoy!

Stay engaged, stay open, and let’s see what God does, because remember: God still does crazy things!

Grace and peace,