Join our next Sunday Gathering, 10 am on 2.16.2025, at the Brunelle Theater!!! Plan your visit here; catch up on weekly teachings here or here!

Join us sundays at 10 AM

Support the interns and look AWESOME at the same time

Hello Friends!

A critical piece of our mission and vision is reaching emerging generations with the good news of Jesus. Our culture continues to move towards what many are calling “post-Christian,” with more and more young people growing up with little to no awareness of the Jesus story.

We know we must develop and disciple young leaders for this mission. This is the genesis of our internship program.

We are ten weeks into the first cohort and they are doing so well. They are leading “the Living Room” (a neighborhood community-type group for students) and learning the practical sides of church leadership through hands-on experience. As they grow in their understanding of Scripture, theology, and issues facing the future church, their character is being formed in community as they work with and learn from the larger Discovery family.

One of my favorite stories so far is watching them dream with the Living Room about ways to serve campus and the city. They saw some of those dreams come to fruition on Serve Sunday and as they stocked the “freedges” on campus (ask one of them what this means!).

Meanwhile, many of you have asked about the Discovery shirts and hoodies that you may have seen being worn around our Gatherings. Good news friends: we have a new round for you to partake in and wear proudly!

We are asking for donations of $25 for shirts and $40 for hoodies with all the proceeds going to support our interns (any donation above and beyond is welcome too!). It’s a great cause, a good look, and a fun way to directly support this exciting aspect of the mission of our church.

Bring cash or checks to the Gathering this Sunday (or an upcoming Sunday) and you’ll get hooked up with the goods.

Grace and Peace,