It's the start of something new
Discovery Family!
We are now well into Week 2 of Advent. In the traditional church calendar Advent is actually the start of the new year. Which immediately raises the question: what if we saw Advent as the start of something, rather than a finish line?
What new thing is God stirring in your soul right now?
One of the new things happening at Discovery are Neighborhood Communities. These continue to meet during Advent and now is as good a time to jump in as any!
Another new thing is our Internship Cohort. The interns are about a third of the way through the journey and have been a blessing to our community in so many amazing ways. You can bless them by supporting the program here (choose the “intern fund”) and investing in these amazing young leaders.
Speaking of generosity, our street team is coordinating a Coat Drive for folks who are unhoused during this cold and rainy season. You can drop those off at our Sunday Gatherings for the next couple of weeks.
Finally, once we flip the calendar we’ll dive into a new Vision conversation for 2023. Can’t wait to share more with you! For now, let’s end this email where we started: with the anticipation that God is at work and is doing something new in each of us, individually and collectively, and that this is very good news!
Grace and peace,
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