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Join us sundays at 10 AM

We're on an Adventure Together!

Hello Discovery Family!

This weekend we started a new conversation in the amazing adventure story that is the book of Acts. This convo, called Ekklesia (which is the word translated “church” most often in our English Bibles), will help forge our imaginations for the future Jesus is inviting us into. I would encourage all of us to read through Acts as we go through the book together.

As we said on Sunday: Jesus invites us, individually and communally, to an adventure with him. While I believe this is always true for us as church, it feels to me even more appropriate now:

  • As we come out of COVID
  • As we launch new expressions of the kingdom to invite our friends into community (Mid-Sized Communities)
  • As we serve our city 
  • As we seek physical spaces from which to base our operations
  • As we help more and more people discover the good news of Jesus…

I see us growing in this sense of adventure by leaps and bounds and it brings great joy to my heart.

One illustration of this is the need to have another baptism gathering soon. We will celebrate baptisms again on June 13th. If you are ready to take this step, we have space for you. Let us know!

Each month we host a Parent’s Huddle to talk about the adventure of parenting. The next Huddle is coming up on Wednesday, May 26th. Parents hope to see you there (email for the details).

Finally, one of the biggest illustrations of our growing adventuring spirit is the new endeavor we are calling MidSized Communities. Both are gathering this week, so come on out!

Friends, thank you for sharing in the adventure together! 

“For God has not given us a spirit of fear, but of power and of love and of a sound mind.” II Timothy 1:7

Grace and Peace,