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Archives for October 2021

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Halloween Fun and Opportunities

Discovery! On Sunday, Pastor Antonio invited us into thePractice of Outreach(or service) with a great teaching from Luke 10 (the famous story of the Good Samaritan). If you missed it, gocheck it out here. As always we have a "practice the Practice" resource whichyou can find here. In addition to the opportunities listed there, we can always use more hands on Sunday morni...

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Outreach- Sunday conversation and a "sweet" opportunity

Discovery Family!Thank you so much for your feedback and engagement in our recent chapter of theCounterCulture conversation. Here's a quick reminder that we have aresource list, that provides some reading and exploration for those of you interested in going further.This coming Sunday wemove back into the Practices conversation, taking a look at one of our CORE practices:Ou...

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Continue the ConterCulture Conversation

Discovery Family! I continue to appreciate this community so much. I am grateful for each of you: for how you bear the image of God to one another, for your love for our city,your desire to serve, and for your flexibility (moving to the park, then back to the theater). I love being on this adventure with you! And I appreciate you all leaning into our current conversation...

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