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Archives for July 2021

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Church In the Park- this Sunday

One of Discovery's annual summer traditions is our Church In the Park gathering! We take a pause from the usual Sunday morning gathering, and instead gather together as the Church with food and fellowship. There won't be a message or formal worship time, but as we gather together as God's people, encouraging each other and breaking bread, it is just another form of worship...

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More Opportunities to Serve

Hello Discovery!This week we wanted to quickly check-in,say hello, and remind you that wecontinue to meetSundays at 10 AMon the field behind the tennis courts and pool atCommunity Park.For our series on "Ekklesia" in the book of Acts, we'll be in chapter 7 this week if you want to read along! We have a few slots this month and nextfor volunteers if you can come out and hel...

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