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Archives for April 2022

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Grab the resource guide for practicing the practice of prayer

Discovery Family, It was good to gather with you this weekend!Atour Gatheringwe revisited our conversation about thepractice of prayer. This go around, Pastor Stevechallenged to us keep itconsistent, conversational and communal. Check out theresource guideto use as you explore and delve into this practice! If you're not sure how to move towards community in prayer, our Mi...

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Celebrating Easter with you was so good!

Hi Discovery, Easter was SO good. Good news, good family,good God.We celebrated as four people publicly declared their faith in Jesus by being baptized. We worshiped the God who lives through music and song. We spent time together as family with food and conversation. And we proclaimed that the gentle,humble, resurrected Jesus bringspeace andcomfort to us- in our grief, o...

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An invitation for us all

Hello Discovery Family,I hope and pray that you have encountered our good God in new and profound ways this Lenten season. We now enter Holy Week. The count down to Easter is on!I have three simple challenges for us. First, as we wrap up Lent:finish strong! We all engaged in Lent in different and unique ways, so my encouragement to you is to stay with those commitments all...

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