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Posts Tagged with "Practice"

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Solitude, Silence and Sundays!

Whether you joined us live or online, we hope the word shared this Sunday about thepracticeof Silence and Solitudewas a breath of fresh air for your soul. We've put together aresource guidefor you as you explore this loving invitation to spend timewith Jesus, and get away from the noise of our busy world.We loved celebrating abaptismlast month, and have had even more inter...

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Generosity and the Practices

Dear Church Family,The theme of last week's update was Generosity, and we are excited to continue that conversation.Scott Palmerwill be hostinga zoom meeting this Friday night at 8:00 pm so that we can dream together about a generous responseto this moment individually and collectively. (Link to the meeting here).Hope to see you there!The other invitation of our social dis...

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