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Posts Tagged with "summer"

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Encouragement in the Waiting

"How long, O Lord?"Psalm 13 It is hard to believe, but as we head into August, we are now six months into life as a primarily digital community. And, with the news from the school district that the new year will commence via distance learning, we know that it will still be some time before we can gather, in person, on Sunday mornings. There is a weight, a fatigue, a sadn...

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Strength, Social Media and Summer

Dear Discovery, "Look to the Lord and his strength; seek his face always." I Chronicles 16:11 Anyone else tired? I am! My prayer for us is that we continue to look to the Lord and his strength. Hopefully this is the norm for us atany time, but so much more so duringthistime! Tune in to thedigital gatheringthis Sunday for a reopening update, some good news, and mor...

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